Basic substances

pnpp préparations naturelles peu préoccupantes

Basic substances are substances whose main activity is not phytopharmaceutical but useful for crop protection under Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009. These substances are a response to the requirements of organic farming and an alternative to synthetic products by reducing the doses used. There is no marketing authorization in France for basic substances. To be authorized, the basic substance must be listed in the annex to Regulation No. 540/2011, part C. In addition, to be usable in Organic Agriculture, in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, the basic substance must be listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2021/1165.

Nos basic substances

infusion écorce sauleWillow Bark Infusion
produit agrobiotopFongygreen®
décoction de prêleHorsetail decoction
produit colcithineColcithin
chitosane chitoprotectChitoprotect Chitosane
produit chitoprotectChitoprotect

Also find all our organic crop treatment products as well as our PNPP biostimulants and purines, decoctions and infusions.

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